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Steuben Floriform Vase Blossoms, $56,250 At Akiba
DANIA BEACH, FLA. – The collection of Alan and Susan Shovers, touted as one of the rarest selections of Steuben glass available, came up for bid on July 29 at Akiba Antiques. The Shoverses, both experts in the field, together authored the book Objects of Desire: The Art of Frederick Carder, which provides insight into the complex techniques and creative spirit of a master craftsman. Seen on page 37 of that book was the sale’s top lot, a Steuben gold ruby footed floriform vase, circa 1910-15, that sold for $56,250, including premium, against a $1/5,000 estimate. Decorated with gold aurene leaf and random vine decorations, iridized lead glass with applied ornaments, the vase was marked “547 Aurene” and stood 12¼ inches high. The sale was full of rare Steuben patterns, glass pieces signed by Frederick Carder and was further complemented by jewelry, art and antiques. A more extensive review will follow.
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